Radiation Info

Radiation Level



Acute Exposure

Risks from radiation are generally more severe in acute dosages—exposure received in a short period of time. This level of radiation is:

Long Term Exposure

This level of radiation is:

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    <script src="https://cdn.radiationinfo.org/_js/embed.js"></script>

    Hover to see what it looks like:

    Morbi ultrices libero rhoncus leo volutpat. There was radiation measured at a rate of 100 microsievert per hour on Thursday afternoon. Nec pellentesque mauris sollicitudin.

    The gadget is minified and served from Amazon Web Services to minimize the performance impact on the load of your page. It adds only one global variable ("radiation") and plays nicely with others. All CSS is prefixed with "radiationinfo-". Do not save the file and serve it from your own server as that reduces the benefits of your user's cache and prevents you from receiving updates which may improve accuracy or performance. Please confirm that it works with the bookmarklet version prior to embedding it on your site.

    You may also link to this page with prepopulated values:

    <a href="https://www.radiationinfo.org/?level=250&unit=millisieverts">250 millisieverts</a>

    Install The Bookmarklet

    Are you following the news in Japan and want our gadget on news sites that you visit? Please email them and ask them to include the tool in their site. In the mean time, however, you don't have to go without.

    Click and drag the following link to your bookmarks bar. Whenever you're on a page click this bookmark and it will embed the gadget.

    Radiation Info Bookmarklet